After publishing several collage based books under the moniker of the COLLAGEMONAUTS (Marty Gordon, Tim Manthey and Craig van den Bosch), along with other collaborations and collections like INNER PHASING (Marty Gordon and Craig van den Bosch), SENSITIVE MONSTERS (Marty Gordon) and LOST IN PASTE (Marty Gordon, Craig van den Bosch and Chad Yenney), Gordon and van den Bosch decided to establish MICROVERSE PRESS in 2018. Constantly looking for new artists, MICROVERSE PRESS accepts interesting, intriguing and imaginitive submissions from artists, writers and creatives looking for representation and publication. MICROVERSE PRESS is represented through the INDY PLANET independent comic book marketplace and can be seen at various local and regional zine and comic fests such as SHORT RUN, PORTLAND ZINE SYMPOSIUM, DESTINY CITY COMICS and more. For more information and submissions, please email Craig van den Bosch at: vandenbosch.craig@gmail.com